World War 3 Prophecy
Timing Signs & Book
14 Signs Are Below - Amazon Book
given signs that tell us when
World War 3 is about to begin.
By Bill Weather - Prophecy Q & A
Prophetic dreams are certainly not to be solely relied upon, but I've had a few that have been prophecy fulfilled, shown below.
Now I want to show you several signs, with a few prophecy dreams I've had, with also celestial signs, that tell us to watch for tribulation to start in 2025.
UPDATED 2/10/25
We are now witnessing riots in the streets and huge turmoil just starting to enter into a full blown revolution from the leftists. Give it a few weeks and it will be far more manifest. This sign was supernaturally given to Dumitru Duduman in one of the most God backed supernaturally given testimonies of what's to come right before the ww3 bombing of the US. More of that testimony is here
Sign#2 The Left Wing Torn
We are starting to see the left wing being torn from the Eagle, in the Supernatural wonder given to the prophet Jonah Ben Noah, shown here in this video (@7:02). With DOGE exposing the vast corruption of the left and deep dollar cuts to that corruption, it's no wonder we are at the beginning of a leftist revolution being stirred and funded. The left wing of the Eagle is beginning to be torn. Headlines galore are baring witness.
Sign#3 The Red Horses Dream 7/19/18
This WW3 timeline sign is from the dream I called “The Red Horses”. In the dream, I was at a family reunion. I was 18 years old in the dream, which stood for 2018. That's our starting point. The long red haired girl cousin in the dream was 12 years old in 2018. She will reach 18 years old in 2024, meaning fullness to 2024, of adulthood, the legal age here being 18.
The red haired cousin in the dream was running after the red horses, one of which had the word Jericho stamped on it.
The word Jericho is from that bible story of how the Israelis marched around Jericho for 6 days and on the 7th it fell; days for years in bible prophecy (Neh 14:34, EZ 4:6, Dan 9:25), the 6th year being 2024 and the 7th being 2025, when she falls (from 2018). My 7th year in the dream, from being 18, would make me 25 years old in 2025, another 7 being the number of completion confirming.
The other Jericho that was at the forefront of my mind at the time was of that TV series called Jericho, the story of how a small rural community was dealing with a nuclear holocaust. Both Jerichos apply. WW3 will be a nuclear holocaust in a few parts and based on indicators in the dream, I’m watching for 2025.
Sign#4 - The Prophetic Schooling Dream 6/25/21
In this dream, I meet up with 2 boys who were in between my old Jr high and High schools, which were down the street from one another in Philadelphia. I tell the kids there's not enough time to graduate high school because of WW3 coming. That presents a timeline because high school is 4 years, 8th to 12th grade, from 6/25/21. The kids were not at the Jr High, but not at the high school either. They were in between.
The dream indicated school was out, it was summer and they were entering into high school after summer vacation was over, as also it is, in the date of this dream. That means, WW3 will come before they graduate 4 years later. So by this, WW3 comes before July 2025, when they would have graduated, but won’t because WW3 will disrupt everything.
Sign #5 - What's left in the Tank
The third sign is in this picture here, of gas I pumped several years ago May 31, 2018, with the pump automatically shutting off at $55.22.
The interpretation to the numbers is this. 55+22= 77, the number 7 being the number of fullness/completion/severing. 21, as in the 21.248 gallons pumped, is 7+7+7= 21, also a fullness. The .248 is how old the US will be when she comes to her fullness/ completion/severing. That’s how much gas she has had to run on. She will be 248 years old. From the birth of the US in 1776 to 2024 is 248 years. By this, 2024 will be the last year before WW3 in 2025.
Sign #6 - 77,000 Miles
On July 29, 2021, it was a hot day in Asheville NC where I was stationed for a season, so I decided I would head up to Mount Mitchell to keep cool for a day trip. Low and behold, when I reached the very top of the mountain, this was the pic I snapped of my odometer that just turned 77,000…. at the very top where I parked, the 7s, in 77,000 representing again, fullness/completion/severing. It was also 70 degrees, another fullness number.
Then God hit me with it, to look at the time. He was telling me, just as you could go no further at the top of the Mountain, so too, the US will go no further….. than 12:34??> interpreted as 1,2,3,4 years left?. Now, the reason I threw in the question marks is, when I hit 77,000, the time 1st read 12:33 right before I parked, then it turned to 12:34 when i parked, so I think from July 29, 2021, its just less than 4 years because of the 1st time of 12:33, so on watch for 2025 again.
Sign#7 - The Biometric Countdown 9/14/21
I dreamt I was seeing a mass manufacturing of a bio metric ID battery pack. It had 4 cells, shaped like 4 double A batteries that people were going to be required to wear. 2 of the cells were batteries to power it. One cell carried everything of one's id, the 4th and last cell was a mystery. Then it moved to 3 cells, then down to 2 cells of the manufacturing. EOD.
Here we have another countdown involving 4,3,2, same similar numbering as the other signs (4,3,2 representing 2024, 2023, 2022). In the dream it was a countdown from 4 to 3 to 2, meaning 4,3,2 years left from 9/21, but the last cell was a mystery, indicating not a full year. It did not countdown to 1, so only 3/3.5+ years left in the countdown, not a full 4 years? So we are looking at close to 3.5 years left, from when this dream was given? That would take us to close to Spring 2025 and that is the time I want to talk about as the possible start of WW3 in sign 8.
Sign 8 - Evangelist Alfred K's Dream 2028
In this amazing dream of 2028, described briefly in chapter 2, brother Karunakarun's dream, is also a countdown too. In his dream, he saw what was like a countdown of years to the coming of the Lord. He saw the years flashing as like on a digital clock, from 21, 22, 23, 24…. then the clock stopped, the sky turned dark and gloomy then he saw torn down high tension wires. Then the number 28 appeared and he heard celestial angelic voices say “Jesus is coming” 3 times. This matches with the many other confirmations at confirmations.
The focus here is how the clock stopped at 2024. The year 2024 ticked off like the other years, but then darkness and gloom. That would be 2025. By this dream, the years of darkness, WW3 and its aftermath, from 2025 to Fall of 2028, when the Lord comes.
Sign #9 - Solar Eclipses
4/28/24 edit - In 2017 and the 2024 eclipses, described here, we see quite the phenomena of them being a countdown clock to the end of this rule of man, down to the very day of Yom Teruah 2028 in what is nothing short of a mind blowing timing sign.
Here is a map of the path of those two
solar eclipses. It's as if God has marked this nation with a big X. There is a long history of eclipses being harbingers of war documented here.
Sign #10 - May 10 Northern Lights
The rare Northern Lights event took place on the very anniversary of what was given to the prophet Jonah Ben Noah, of his God given, supernatural wonder in the sky event showing the destruction of the USA in WW3.
Next May 10th 2025, will mark its 40th anniversary and we know how often, God speaks thru out the Bible using the number 40. Just as Jesus gave a 40 year warning to Jerusalem's destruction (AD 30-70), so too has the USA been given a 40 year warning, expiring in 2025.
Sign 11 - Lightning Strikes
Could this be a 12th warning of WW3?
Article dated 1/30/23
Sign#13 - Divine Timing
Because it's the 40th anniversary of the WW3 prophecies given, and because we only have 3.6 years left (from Feb 2025) to the 6000th year in Sept of 2028, this leaves little time left for Revelation 18 (WW3 destruction) to play out, before time runs out.
One would have to go to to see the overwhelming amount of evidence for 2028, to see how strong of a sign this is.
Sign #14 The Superbowl Scores
For years God has been speaking Prophetic messages thru certain football games he has prolifically marked with his signature, like the statistical phenomonon John 3:16 game. For more than 2 decades, God has especially given us Prophetic messages through the Super Bowls, shown here on YouTube. Well the scores of the last 2 Super Bowls have told us what Prophetic time it is.
In 2024 Super Bowl, the Chiefs scored 25, the 49ers scored 22.
The number 22 is a biblical number of fullness or completion. We know this because the Bible shows it. Only 22 chapters in Revelation. Only 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Old testament original count of books was only 22 books and Tishri 22 is the final day on God's Leviticus 23 calendar.
The score 25 to 22 tells us the 22 completion of the US comes in 25 or 2025.
The 2025 Superbowl was the Eagles 40, the Chiefs 22... again, another 22, meaning fullness and now, the Eagles scoring 40 points tells us the # of judgment, 40, covered more on video here.
Many # 40s in the Bible God had used to convey a numerical message of judgment. The Eagles scoring 40, and the Chiefs 22, tells us we are at the end of the US as we know her, because the WW3 prophecies of judgment are about to hit.
Sign #15 The China Taiwan War
I am on watch for a 15th sign to show soon, the war between China and Taiwan. That would be the spark that begins WW3.
By these indicators and clues given from above, we have some strong signs to rest our hat on and to watch with all seriousness to prepare for WW3 coming.
With so many article now appearing over war with China and Russia, you would think the popular false prophecy teachers would repent, but they will continue to shun for their lead astray futurist's views.
Father Yah, I pray you prepare your people for what’s to come, that no matter bomb, disease, battle or loss of loved ones , we are soon going to be resurrected in glory and reunited again. Help us to prepare, to alleviate suffering, and to keep our hearts clean, holy, set apart for your Holy Spirit indwelling, which will give us the overcoming power when we need it most. May we also, be there for our brethren, when they need us the most. This final battle will surely try us and put us to the test. Help us be ready with all we need to help those around us, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Yeshua Reign Halle YAHWEH..... Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus!!!
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